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Do you experience low back pain daily?
Yes, I have low back pain daily
No, my low back only bothers me sometimes
Do you experience less than 3 bowel movements (BM's) per week?
Yes, I have less than 3 BM's per week
No, I poop just fine
Do you have difficulty getting up and down off the floor?
Yes, I have trouble getting up and down
No, I have no issues getting up and down
Do you experience pain in your pelvic area more than once a week?
Yes, I get frequent pelvic pain, more than once a week
No, I don't or rarely ever experience pelvic pain
Do you experience daily stress, anxiety and mental fatigue?
Yes, I suffer from these daily
No, I don't or rarely ever experience any of these
Do you have trouble with balance? Like standing on one leg without support?
Yes, I can't balance very well and need a wall or chair for support to stand on one leg
No, I'm good, I can balance on one leg just fine
Have you ever had a c-section?
Yes, I have
No, I have not
Do you have to urinate more than once during the night?
Yes, I do
No, I do not
Do you suffer pain inserting a tampon or going for a gynecological exam?
Yes, I do
No, I do not
Do you suffer pain in either of your hips that radiates down your leg?
Yes, I do
No, I do not
Can you take a full deep breath that fills your belly
Yes, I can feel my belly rise when I breathe in and lower when I breathe out
No, I just feel my breathing in my chest
Do you suffer from digestive bloating, gas and or pain more than 1x week?
Yes, I do suffer with these symptoms more than once a week
No, I do not really have this problem
If you had to pick the core issue that prevents you from feeling vibrant in your life, what area would that be?
Low back pain
Pelvic pain
Digestive issues
Stress & anxiety
What age group do you fall under below?
First name
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